About Us


We are Andre and Diana Kok.

We have been breeding Dalmatians since 1995. We fell in love with this breed when we got our first bitch in 1993, Cave of the Lime Blossom. She passed away in 2006.
A few years later we bought Gwynmor Gotcha and four years later Gwynmor Pere Ubu. Our first home bred bitch we kept is Edna Million the Astonishing. They all passed away at the age of 13, 14 and 15,5 years old…
We always wanted a Great Dane and in 2006 we bought Florence de Fradiliaus from The Fradiliaus kennel in Belgium. She is very funny (and big) and we love her personality. She died in 2017 at the age of 11,5 years old!!

In August 2007 we bought a Dalmatian puppybitch, Jilloc’s Seventh Heaven from the Jilloc’s kennel in Sweden. A beautiful bitch and sweet mum of our H, I and J and litter. She died at the age of 14 years and 14 days.
In 2011 we bought our first liver dalmatian girl Dalmacademy’s Dutch Delicious (Lily). Mother of our K, L, M and N litter. She is from Germany. She passed away at the age of 13,5 years in October 2024.

In 2012 we had our I litter and we kept a black male. Ivy Green the Astonishing (Ivy). He is living with friends.

We also kept Muta Baruka the Astonishing from our M litter, a liver male and Numpty the Astonishing from our N litter, a black bitch. Numpty is the mother of our O, P  and Q litter. So 2 dals living at our home at this moment.

Our dogs live inside and the pups are born and stay in our livingroom
untill they are going to their new owners, so they get used to all the things
that belong to a household. Like the television, radio, vacuum cleaner etc.
and lots of people will visit the pups. We are a member (31 years) of the Dutch Dalmatian Club and we breed according to the rules of
the Club (N.C.D.H.)

We have stopped breeding now, we bred our last Q litter in the beginning of 2024. 

We hope you enjoy the site and if there are any questions, please contact

Andre and Diana Kok.